"The Doctor's Corner with Akil Taher, MD”
"A New Topic Every Month”
12pm to 1pm ET on Zoom
Have you had those pressing questions that you didn't know where to look for the answers to?
Have you wanted the chance to learn what certain foods are doing on the inside of your body to create cancer, high blood pressure, hypertension, diverticulitis, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses?
Hi! I'm Dr. Akil Taher. As a physician, septuagenarian athlete, and open heart surgery survivor, I'm on a mission to help as many people as possible to not suffer the way I did because you don't have the information that can help you make better decisions about how you live your life and get healthy to stay healthy.
That's why I created the Monthly Talk with The Heart Healthy Doc. I invite you to join me for my monthly Zoom talks at no cost to you except for time well spent.
"We are living longer, yet we are not living healthier. What good is living longer when we're living without our good health?" - Akil Taher, MD
WHERE: Virtually from your desk, car, kitchen, or sofa via Zoom Webinar
This month in The Doctor's Corner Dr. Akil will be talking about the importance of writing your own health story. Heart disease is often considered a "man's disease," but it's the leading cause of death for women too.
When we are focused on heart disease, chronic illness, or any debilitating illness that calls our attention to the disease, we have to learn to focus on the journey out of illness and back to wellness.
Dr. Akil is doing his first "Talk with the Heart Healthy Doc" of 2025 on Friday, January 24th at 12 PM ET to give us information about writing and rewriting your health story.
You get expert advice about:
how to improve your heart health,
how to address common health concerns like chronic illness, obesity, overcoming the craving for ultra processed foods, and health issues specific to men,
and more
Join us to explore how to rewrite your health story since our health is in our own hands!
The condition of our health today may not be our fault, but rewriting your health narrative is in our hands.
What do you want your health to be in a year, or 5 years, or 15 years?
Q&A to follow to get your questions answered.
This Event is Free and All Are Welcome!
Please invite family, friends and colleagues.
Don't Suffer. Get Answers! Live Healthier!!
Attending Dr. Akil's monthly events does not replace seeking the advice of your personal health professional or a health professional in your specific area of need. These sessions are for educational and support purposes only. Dr. Akil's goal is to help more people to become aware of how to take their health into their hands and rely less on pills and surgical interventions, which have their place. It has been proven that eating a Whole Food, Plant-Based diet and living a lifestyle prescribed by the 6 Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine is a best first option.
Ask Your Questions, Learn and Be Inspired that
Please register below to get the link to join the LIVE Talk with the Heart Healthy Doc each month. You'll get the link and access to the recordings of all of the prior Talks.
Topics you’ll find recordings of: Hypertension, Diverticulitis, A Blueberry or a Blue Pill, Understanding Cholesterol, Gut Microbiome, Heart Disease, Lifestyle Medicine, Diabetes, Migraines, Sleep, and more added each month.
Have you read the book?
As a physician, author, speaker, and septuagenarian athlete, Dr. Taher stays focused on spreading the message of the benefits of living a heart-healthy lifestyle. Through his stories and the science-backed information he shares, Dr. Taher's book becomes an inspirational go-to resource for many.
He believes that together we can wake up the world to understand that we are living longer and it doesn’t mean we have to live with a poor quality of life,
Remember, You CAN
Sessions will be recorded for access to all who register.
Watch for your email with the link to the recordings page where you will find the entire library of video recordings from the monthly Talks with the Heart Healthy Doc!
We will see you at the event!!
Have you heard about the New
SHOP n COOK with the DOC
Monthly Series?
Find out more at: AkilTaher.com/shop-n-cook